Source code for osmoapi

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree

import pygeoif
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session


class _OsmBaseObject(object):

    Abstract Base Object with common Functionality.

    def append_tags(self, element, **kwargs):
        """Append tags to a XML element."""
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            tag_element = etree.SubElement(element, 'tag')
            tag_element.set('k', k)
            tag_element.set('v', v)

    def to_string(self):
        """Serialize XML etree element to String."""
        return etree.tostring(

[docs]class OsmChange(_OsmBaseObject): """ **OsmChange.** osmChange is the file format used by osmosis (and osmconvert) to describe differences between two dumps of OSM data. However, it can also be used as the basis for anything that needs to represent changes. For example, bulk uploads/deletes/changes are also changesets and they can also be described using this format. """ def __init__(self, changeset): self.nodes = [] self.ways = [] self.multipolygons = [] self.idx = 0 self.changeset = changeset
[docs] def create_node(self, point, **kwargs): """ **Create a Node.** A node is one of the core elements in the OpenStreetMap data model. It consists of a single point in space defined by its latitude, longitude and node id. Nodes can be used to define standalone point features, but are more often used to define the shape or "path" of a way. """ self.idx -= 1 if not isinstance(point, dict): point = point.__geo_interface__ assert point['type'] == 'Point' assert point['coordinates'] lon = str(point['coordinates'][0]) lat = str(point['coordinates'][1]) self.nodes.append(dict(id=str(self.idx), lon=lon, lat=lat, tags=dict(**kwargs))) return self.idx
[docs] def create_way(self, linestring, **kwargs): """ **Create a Way.** A way is an ordered list of nodes which normally also has at least one tag or is included within a Relation. A way can have between 2 and 2,000 nodes. A way can be open or closed. A closed way is one whose last node on the way is also the first on that way. A closed way may be interpreted either as a closed polyline, or an area, or both. """ if not isinstance(linestring, dict): linestring = linestring.__geo_interface__ assert linestring['type'] == 'LineString' or linestring['type'] == 'LinearRing' assert linestring['coordinates'] nodes = [] if linestring['coordinates'][0] == linestring['coordinates'][-1]: coords = linestring['coordinates'][:-1] is_closed = True else: coords = linestring['coordinates'] is_closed = False for point in (pygeoif.Point(coord) for coord in coords): node = self.create_node(point) nodes.append(node) if is_closed: nodes.append(nodes[0]) self.idx -= 1 self.ways.append(dict(id=str(self.idx), nodes=nodes, tags=dict(**kwargs))) return self.idx
[docs] def create_multipolygon(self, multipolygon, **kwargs): """ **Create a Relation:multipolygon.** Any area that is complex (e.g., because its outline consists of several ways joined together, or because the area consists of multiple disjunct parts, or has holes) requires a multipolygon relation. A multipolygon relation can have any number of ways in the role outer (the outline) and any number of ways in the role inner (the holes), and these must form valid rings to build a multipolygon from. """ if not isinstance(multipolygon, dict): multipolygon = multipolygon.__geo_interface__ assert multipolygon['type'] == 'MultiPolygon' or multipolygon['type'] == 'Polygon' assert multipolygon['coordinates'] if multipolygon['type'] == 'Polygon': polygons = [pygeoif.Polygon(pygeoif.as_shape(multipolygon)), ] else: polygons = [] for coords in multipolygon['coordinates']: polygons.append(pygeoif.Polygon(coords[0], coords[1:])) ways = [] for polygon in polygons: outer = self.create_way(polygon.exterior) ways.append(('outer', str(outer))) for way in polygon.interiors: inner = self.create_way(way) ways.append(('inner', str(inner))) self.idx -= 1 self.multipolygons.append(dict(id=str(self.idx), ways=ways, tags=dict(**kwargs))) return self.idx
[docs] def etree_element(self): """Create a XML representation of this change.""" root = etree.Element('osmChange') create_element = etree.SubElement(root, 'create') for node in self.nodes: node_element = etree.SubElement(create_element, 'node') node_element.set('id', node['id']) node_element.set('lat', node['lat']) node_element.set('lon', node['lon']) node_element.set('changeset', str( self.append_tags(node_element, **node['tags']) for way in self.ways: way_element = etree.SubElement(create_element, 'way') way_element.set('id', way['id']) way_element.set('changeset', str( for node in way['nodes']: node_element = etree.SubElement(way_element, 'nd') node_element.set('ref', str(node)) self.append_tags(way_element, **way['tags']) for mp in self.multipolygons: rel_element = etree.SubElement(create_element, 'relation') rel_element.set('id', mp['id']) rel_element.set('changeset', str( rel_element.set('id', mp['id']) for way in mp['ways']: member_element = etree.SubElement(rel_element, 'member') member_element.set('type', 'way') member_element.set('role', way[0]) member_element.set('ref', way[1]) self.append_tags(rel_element, **{'type': 'multipolygon'}) self.append_tags(rel_element, **mp['tags']) return root
[docs]class ChangeSet(_OsmBaseObject): """ **Changesets.** To make it easier to identify related changes the concept of changesets is introduced. Every modification of the standard OSM elements has to reference an open changeset. A changeset may contain tags just like the other elements. A recommended tag for changesets is the key `comment=*` with a short human readable description of the changes being made in that changeset, similar to a commit message in a revision control system. A new changeset can be opened at any time and a changeset may referenced from multiple API calls. Because of this it can be closed manually as the server can't know when one changeset ends and another should begin. """ def __init__(self, id=None, created_by='osmoapi v 0.1', comment='Changes via API', **kwargs): """Initialize a changeset.""" = id self.created_by = created_by self.comment = comment self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def etree_element(self): """Create a XML representation of this changeset.""" root = etree.Element('osm') changeset = etree.SubElement(root, 'changeset') self.append_tags(changeset, created_by=self.created_by, comment=self.comment) self.append_tags(changeset, **self.kwargs) return root
[docs]class OSMOAuthAPI(object): """OSM API with OAuth.""" def __init__(self, client_key, client_secret, resource_owner_key, resource_owner_secret, test=True): """ Initialize a OAuth Session on either te test or Live server. It takes the OAuth Keys for the Application and current user to authenticate to OpenStreetMap, and the test parameter to decide if to run on the test or live server """ assert client_key assert client_secret assert resource_owner_key assert resource_owner_secret self.session = OAuth1Session( client_key, client_secret=client_secret, resource_owner_key=resource_owner_key, resource_owner_secret=resource_owner_secret) if test: self.url = TEST_API_URL else: self.url = LIVE_API_URL
[docs] def create_changeset(self, created_by, comment, **kwargs): """ **Create: PUT /api/0.6/changeset/create.** The payload of a changeset creation request has to be one or more changeset elements optionally including an arbitrary number of tags. Any number of possibly editor-specific, tags are allowed. An editor might, for example, automatically include information about which background image was used, or even a bit of internal state information that will make it easier to revisit the changeset with the same editor later, etc. Clients should include a `created_by=*` tag. Clients are advised to make sure that a `comment=*` is present, which the user has entered. It is optional at the moment but this might change in later API versions. Clients should not automatically generate the comment tag, as this tag is for the end-user to describe their changes. Clients may add any other tags as they see fit. """ url = '{0}api/0.6/changeset/create'.format(self.url) changeset = ChangeSet(created_by=created_by, comment=comment, **kwargs) response = self.session.put(url, data=changeset.to_string()) if response.status_code == 200: = int(response.text) return changeset else: response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def close_changeset(self, changeset): """ **Close: PUT /api/0.6/changeset/#id/close.** Closes a changeset. A changeset may already have been closed without the owner issuing this API call. In this case an error code is returned. *Parameters:* **id** The id of the changeset to close. The user issuing this API call has to be the same that created the changeset. **Response** Nothing is returned upon successful closing of a changeset (HTTP status code 200). """ url = '{0}api/0.6/changeset/{1}/close'.format(self.url, response = self.session.put(url) if response.status_code == 200: return True else: response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def diff_upload(self, change): """ **Diff upload: POST /api/0.6/changeset/#id/upload.** With this API call files in the OsmChange format can be uploaded to the server. This is guaranteed to be running in a transaction. So either all the changes are applied or none. To upload an OSC file it has to conform to the OsmChange specification with the following differences: Each element must carry a changeset and a version attribute, except when you are creating an element where the version is not required as the server sets that for you. The changeset must be the same as the changeset ID being uploaded to. A `<delete>` block in the OsmChange document may have an `if-unused` attribute (the value of which is ignored). If this attribute is present, then the delete operation(s) in this block are conditional and will only be executed if the object to be deleted is not used by another object. Without the if-unused, such a situation would lead to an error, and the whole diff upload would fail. OsmChange documents generally have user and uid attributes on each element. These are not required in the document uploaded to the API. *Parameters:* **id** The ID of the changeset this diff belongs to. **POST data** The OsmChange file data. """ url = '{0}api/0.6/changeset/{1}/upload'.format(self.url, response =, data=change.to_string()) if response.status_code == 200: return response.text else: response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def create_note(self, point, text): """ **Create a new note: Create: POST /api/0.6/notes** URL: Return type: application/xml +------------+------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Parameter | Description | Allowed values | +============+====================================+==================================+ |lat | Specifies the latitude of the bug | floatingpoint number in degrees | +------------+------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |lon | Specifies the longitude of the bug | floatingpoint number in degrees | +------------+------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ |text | Text containing the note | A text field with arbitrary text | +------------+------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ If the request is made as an authenticated user, the note is associated to that user account. Error codes HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request) if the text field was not present HTTP status code 405 (Method Not Allowed) If the request is not a HTTP POST request HTTP status code 403 If the user did not authorize your application to create/edit notes. """ if not isinstance(point, dict): point = point.__geo_interface__ assert point['type'] == 'Point' assert point['coordinates'] lon = str(point['coordinates'][0]) lat = str(point['coordinates'][1]) params=dict(lat=lat, lon=lon, text=text) url = '{0}api/0.6/notes'.format(self.url) response =, params=params) if response.status_code != 200: response.raise_for_status()